Habitat enhancement and creation
Habitat enhancement and creation are an integral part of reducing negative ecological impacts of a development or an activity.
Torc Ecology has worked on many projects where developments have had a positive effect on biodiversity, by enhancing habitats of low conservation value and re-creating additional habitats to offset the impact of a development.
The importance of habitat enhancement
A detailed habitat enhancement scheme can make a real difference when a planning authority are assessing your application.
All local authorities have local planning policy in relation to development and we are highly experienced in advising on habitat creation measures that accord with these policies and compliment the local area.
Habitat creation and enhancement is also an integral part of ensuring the suitability of receptor sites when translocating protected species, such as reptiles or great crested newts.
Types of habitat enhancement we can advise on:
- site-specific enhancement e.g. ditch/pond enhancement and sowing wildflower meadows;
- ensuring the integrity of wildlife corridors with planting and landscaping schemes;
- creating and managing habitats through Conservation Management Plans and Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP);
- creation of habitats for translocation e.g. as part of a European Protected Species Licence application; and
- detailed planting schemes demonstrating a significant enhancement of a local setting for Paragraph 79 homes.