Protected species licencing
If a development or an activity is going to have a significant negative impact upon a protected species, e.g. disturbance of or destruction of a resting place, a mitigation licence from Natural England will be needed to allow the works to legally proceed. The mitigation licence can be obtained once all relevant permissions have been obtained, e.g. full planning permission or Listed Building Consent.
There are two main types of mitigation licence; a European Protected Species Licence or a low impact Class Licence (see below for examples of species Class Licences). Both these types of license require a robust mitigation strategy that is deliverable within acceptable time scales.
European Protected Species Licence
Torc Ecology have extensive experience in obtaining European Protected Species Licences (EPSL).
An EPSL is necessary where a development or an activity is going to have a significant negative impact upon protected species.
We work alongside developers, planners, architects and other professionals in developing bespoke and practical mitigation strategies tailored to the individual needs of any project, large or small. Our track record of 100% success rate in securing EPSL applications demonstrates our high level of understanding of the licence system.
In our experience, communication is key to a successful licence application with every one of our projects receiving attention to detail from start to finish.
Bat Mitigation Class Licence
Torc Ecology can provide in-house Registered Consultants on the Bat Mitigation Class Licence (BMCL). This licence is appropriate for specific circumstances where a development or an activity is going to have a low impact upon certain common species of bats.
Appropriate bat surveys and relevant permissions (if required) are still needed prior to registering a site under the BMCL. A BMCL can be in place within three weeks and at a significantly lower cost than applying for an European Protected Species Licence. One of our Registered Consultants will be able to advise whether your site meets the BMCL criteria and, if so, register your site under the licence.
Our expertise in registering sites under this BMCL has resulted in less prohibitive costs and prevention of significant delays for our clients.
Great Crested Newt Low Impact Class Licence
Principal Ecologist,Shaun Baker, is a Registered Consultant on the Great Crested Newt Low Impact Class Licence (LICL). This licence may be appropriate when works are determined to have a low impact on a great crested newt population.
Appropriate great crested newt surveys and relevant permissions (if required) are needed prior to registering a site under the LICL. A LICL can be in place within three weeks and at a significantly lower cost than applying for an EPSL. Shaun will be able to advise whether your site meets the great crested newt LICL criteria and, if so, register your site under the licence.
Shaun's expertise in accessing, and where necessary, registering sites under the great crested newt LICL has resulted in less prohibitive costs and prevention of significant delays for our clients.